I recently upgraded my home server from Ubuntu 10.10 maverick to 12.04 precise. I ran “do-release-upgrade” three times, upgrading through natty and oneiric. The process was very smooth, but I found a few bugs with BackupPC. If you are using BackupPC 3.2.1 on precise, or plan to upgrade soon, I suggest you read the following.
1. $Conf{Ping6Path} is not set
This was a surprise to me, as I use IPv4 for running backups. Since natty, not setting $Conf{Ping6Path} causes BackupPC to report “no ping response” for most hosts. Strangely, this error is irregular. Pings to some hosts always succeed, while others only succeed sometimes. No hosts consistently failed.
The solution is easy. Set this in /etc/backuppc/config:
$Conf{Ping6Path} = '/bin/ping6';
2. Use of qw(…) as parentheses is deprecated
Since Perl 5.14 in Ubuntu 11.10 oneiric, BackupPC reports these errors at startup, in logs, and during command-line operations:
Use of qw(...) as parentheses is deprecated at /usr/share/backuppc/lib/BackupPC/Storage/Text.pm line 302. Use of qw(...) as parentheses is deprecated at /usr/share/backuppc/lib/BackupPC/Lib.pm line 1425.
To resolve this, download this patch, and apply it. Here is a handy one-liner which will fail safely if anything goes wrong:
wget -q http://www.tolaris.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/BackupPC-3.2.1-CVE-2011-170886.diff -O- | patch -p0 -N -r - -d /usr/share/backuppc/
3. BackupPC displays bogus “Last email sent” messages
BackupPC will send error message emails to the administrator or user of a host (backup target) if it cannot reach the host for a set period of time. The user interface always displays this last message, even if it doesn’t exist:
Last email sent to user@example.com was at 2012-05-01 01:23, subject “”.
Last year I wrote a patch to resolve this. If no email has ever been sent (last email subject is undefined), it simply doesn’t output the “Last email sent” line. My patch has never made it upstream, so I patch it manually after upgrades.
To resolve this, download this patch, and apply it.
wget -q http://www.tolaris.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/BackupPC-3.2.1-no_blank_email.diff -O- | patch -p0 -N -r - -d /usr/share/backuppc/
Apply both patches with:
wget -q http://www.tolaris.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/BackupPC-3.2.1-CVE-2011-170886.diff http://www.tolaris.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/BackupPC-3.2.1-no_blank_email.diff -O- | patch -p0 -N -r - -d /usr/share/backuppc/
Hi. Thanks for the info. I tried your patch to resolve the Use of qw(…) as parentheses is deprecated, but i get the following error:
Hunk #1 succeeded at 300 (offset 1 line).
patch: **** Can’t rename file lib/BackupPC/Storage/Text.pm to lib/BackupPC/Storage/Text.pm.orig : Permission deniedI used sudo so I’m not sure what went wrong?
Any help is appreciated.
logged in as root using sudo -i and ran it again. worked!-
I’ve just discovered that I have this problem: http://www.mail-archive.com/backuppc-users@lists.sourceforge.net/msg23798.html
Any suggestions? I don’t see an easy way to downgrade Samba to a useful version in Precise. Maybe there’s a simple patch for backuppc that could fix the returned error issue?
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