BackupPC 3.3.0 packaged for Ubuntu precise, SMB fixed

Craig released BackupPC 3.3.0 earlier this year. This version adds a number of fixes, including a minor one from yours truly. It also fixes the issue with Samba 3.6.x.

To upgrade your Ubuntu 12.04 “Precise Pangolin” server to BackupPC 3.3.0, just upgrade from my APT repository.

apt-get update
apt-get install backuppc

If you previously used my Samba 3.5.x packages to work around the bug with BackupPC 3.2.1, this is no longer necessary. Remove the hold and upgrade with:

echo "smbclient install" | sudo dpkg --set-selections
apt-get dist-upgrade

If you have other pending upgrades, this may install them as well.

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  1. Kevin’s avatar

    Thanks, immensely helpful.


  2. Jim’s avatar

    Hi Tyler, first of all thanks for making your repo and BackupPC 3.3 available.

    I’ve just updated a system from Ubuntu 10.10 to Mint Mate 13 (clean install, config files carefully merged) and run into the issue with Samba 3.6.x (3.6.3 in this case). After finding your repo, adding to sources.list for maya, the 3.3.0 is installed and running. However, still getting the same error: “backup failed on (NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED listing \\*)”

    Never installed the samba downgrade (it’s still 3.6.3 from the maya install), so it seems like updating BackupPC should have fixed the problem. Do I need a newer samba too or is there some other detail I’ve missed?

    Thanks in advance.


    1. Tyler Wagner’s avatar

      Hi Jim,

      That sounds like an actual authentication issue. My guess is that something is actually wrong with Samba authentication.

      If you are sure that isn’t the issue, try the Samba downgrade. If it doesn’t work, you can upgrade again using the instructions above.


      1. Jim’s avatar

        Hi Tyler, that was the first thing I thought too, but the perl files for hosts were restored from the old system, so I”m sure the passwords are correct….at first smb commands worked from my user by not from backuppc, then somehow started working? Also, the host in question is an ancient XP box; meanwhile another Windows 7 system backs up just fine. Seems like even the XP box is now trying, but still flaky: all prior incr failed, but first full transferred many files then failed; incr failed again; then full completed ??

        2014-01-20 22:07:33 User backuppc requested backup of xxxxxxxx (xxxxxxxx)
        2014-01-20 22:07:34 Started full backup on xxxxxxxx (pid=5491, share=yyyyyyyy)
        2014-01-20 22:11:11 Backup failed on xxxxxxxx (NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED listing \\*)
        2014-01-20 22:11:11 Running BackupPC_link xxxxxxxx (pid=5522)
        2014-01-20 22:11:11 Finished xxxxxxxx (BackupPC_link xxxxxxxx)
        2014-01-20 22:13:26 User backuppc requested backup of xxxxxxxx (xxxxxxxx)
        2014-01-20 22:13:27 Started incr backup on xxxxxxxx (pid=5547, share=yyyyyyyy)
        2014-01-20 22:13:38 Backup failed on xxxxxxxx (NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED listing \\*)
        2014-01-20 22:13:54 User backuppc requested backup of xxxxxxxx (xxxxxxxx)
        2014-01-20 22:13:54 Started full backup on xxxxxxxx (pid=5569, share=yyyyyyyy)
        2014-01-20 22:14:17 Finished full backup on xxxxxxxx
        2014-01-20 22:14:17 Running BackupPC_link xxxxxxxx (pid=5582)
        2014-01-20 22:14:17 Finished xxxxxxxx (BackupPC_link xxxxxxxx)

        Will try the downgrade next chance I can get back to this…..


        1. Tyler Wagner’s avatar

          Hi Jim,

          I can’t say what is happening there, but I can tell you it isn’t the bug this post addresses. That but has to do with NTLMv2 authentication, Samba 3.6, and BackupPC 3.2.1. Windows XP uses NTLMv1, and you’ve eliminated the other two variables. I’m sorry I can’t help directly.

          I prefer rsyncd on Windows over Samba, as it has better performance. But it does require setting up.


          1. Jim’s avatar

            Agreed, it seems to be pointing towards something else. Thanks again for your input.


          2. Salik’s avatar

            I upgraded backuppc and removed the hold on samba and I encountered the same errors I did before. So I had to downgrade again.

            I am on 12.04 – perhaps this is an issue specific to this version of samba on this release.


            1. Jim’s avatar

              FWIW I did finally figure out that the issue I was having was a permissions problem on the old XP box. Since it was XP Home, it really doesn’t support permissions like XP Pro, so I installed cygwin, launched cygwin terminal and took a look around. I actually did find some files with more restrictive permissions than the rest. Ran chmod -R 755 * at the top of the shared folder. Then backups ran smoothly :)

              What was even more interesting was that, before discovering the permissions issue, I had mounted the share on the backuppc box and then backup the mounted file system from localhost — no problem whatsoever doing it that way. This is all on Mint Mate 13, which is same as Ubuntu 12.04, so perhaps that’s a work-around of interest to Salik.


            2. Gary Schiltz’s avatar

              Thanks for your efforts! It’s very nice to have the latest backuppc with so little effort on my part.


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