# Creates static DNS entres for DHCP clients in the named DHCP server. # Hostnames passed to DHCP are appended with the zone. # Set the first two variables according to your installation. :local dhcpserver "dhcp1" :local zone "home.example.com" # Set the TTL to the scheduler frequency for this script. :local ttl "00:05:00" # Clear old static DNS entries matching the zone and TTL. /ip dns static :foreach dnsrecord in=[find where name ~ (".*\\.".$zone) ] do={ :local fqdn [ get $dnsrecord name ] :local hostname [ :pick $fqdn 0 ( [ :len $fqdn ] - ( [ :len $zone ] + 1 ) ) ] :local recordttl [get $dnsrecord ttl] :if ( $recordttl != $ttl ) do={ :log debug ("Ignoring DNS record $fqdn with TTL $recordttl") } else={ /ip dhcp-server lease :local dhcplease [ find where host-name=$hostname and server="$dhcpserver"] :if ( [ :len $dhcplease ] > 0) do={ :log debug ("DHCP lease exists for $hostname in $dhcpserver, keeping DNS record $fqdn") } else={ :log info ("DHCP lease expired for $hostname, deleting DNS record $fqdn") /ip dns static remove $dnsrecord } } } # Create or update static DNS entries from DHCP server leases. /ip dhcp-server lease :foreach dhcplease in=[find where server ~ ("$dhcpserver")] do={ :local hostname [ get $dhcplease host-name ] :if ( [ :len $hostname ] > 0) do={ :local dhcpip [ get $dhcplease address ] :local fqdn ( $hostname . "." . $zone ) /ip dns static :local dnsrecord [ find where name=$fqdn ] :if ( [ :len $dnsrecord ] > 0 ) do={ :local dnsip [ get $dnsrecord address ] :if ( $dnsip = $dhcpip ) do={ :log debug ("DNS record for $fqdn to $dhcpip is up to date") } else={ :log info ("Updating DNS record for $fqdn to $dhcpip") /ip dns static remove $dnsrecord /ip dns static add name=$fqdn address=$dhcpip ttl=$ttl } } else={ :log info ("Creating DNS record for $fqdn to $dhcpip") /ip dns static add name=$fqdn address=$dhcpip ttl=$ttl } } }